About Us
our club
About Us
WC Swans Hockey
The WC Swans was created in 2019. The reason it was created was to give kids the chance to play throughout the spring and summer to develop their skills and work on their game. We do this by giving opportunities to join skill clinics, practices and camps throughout the season. We also take what we have learned and worked on during the season and play in very highly competitive tournaments in NE, to give players the chance to gain exposure to the college level coaches. While giving the players opportunities to be recruited, we also pride ourselves in walking them through the process every step of the way, until we find the right fit for them to call their home at the next level. This is what you get when you are a Swan.

Our Mission
Our Mission is to ensure the growth of all our players, to help them develop into good hockey players and great people. It is also our mission to help players navigate thru the NCAA Process, and finding them the right fit to continue their hockey careers.